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Our online estimated quotes are only as accurate as our customers are realistic about the conditions of their home.

Condition clean

My home is very tidy and thoroughly cleaned weekly, bi-weekly or at least once a month (kitchen, bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc). I don't have a clutter. My floors are generally clean. Baseboards, cabinets, floors, other surfaces need light cleaning.  There is nothing that needs deep cleaning or scrubbing.

Condition average

My home is usually cleaned every 4-8 weeks. My kitchen countertops and cabinets are fairly clean but could use a little help. I may have some clutter but it's not out of control. Surfaces cleaned every couple weeks, bathrooms and kitchens deep cleaned every 1-2 months, some soap scum starting, pet hair, fingerprints, dirt and dust mild in condition.

Condition poor

My home hasn't had a good cleaning in three months or more. My kitchen countertops generally have stuff on them and could use a good scrubbing. Clutter, soap scum, substantial dirt, dust, hair, grime on floors, baseboards, walls and other surfaces, some areas are in so-so condition.

Condition dirty

My home needs a lot of help. It hasn't had a thorough cleaning in six months or more. There is obvious clutter and quite a bit of dust, pet hair or dirt. Walls need washing, bathrooms have thick scum and debris on surfaces, kitchen need deep cleaning and scrubbing


We reserve the right to discuss our online quote if information provided about current condition of your home is inaccurate and service is going to take significantly more time to complete your house cleaning.

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